Holidays and Shtuff

31 Dec

Its been a while since I posted something so here we go! Happy New Year’s Eve and Merry After-Christmas everyone. New Year’s is kinda lame to me but I love Christmas because no matter what the unfortunate circumstances are, my family and I try to put them aside and enjoy being together. I had some money this year so I got a Batman shirt for Brother # 1 and a MW3 shirt for Brother # 2. My dad got a Chia Pet  and was genuinely happy about it because for some bizarre reason he’s always wanted one.  My mom gave me some shirts, including one of  Captain America, which I  love, she got Brother #1 a shaver thing so he won’t always be a “scruffy-looking nerf-herder,” and she gave Brother #2 a silver coin for his passionate yet boring coin-collecting hobby.

It’s kind of funny how someone just stumbles upon something and it ends up becoming a big part of them. If my brother didn’t start buying and selling coins, he would still be studying engineering, instead of switching his major to business. If I hadn’t discovered Environmental Awareness Club at school, I wouldn’t be the environment-loving tree-hugger going to Costa Rica in 6 months. And if Luke Skywalker didn’t meet a droid named R2-D2, then he wouldn’t have discovered that Princess Leia was in danger. Right now if you’re thinking,” Christina, you need to stop it with the Star Wars references!” then you’re probably right. Anyways I hope you’re having a nice winter vacation.

I’m a lazy teenager so of coarse I love having time to slack off. I have more time for more important things, like television, the internet, my bass guitar, sleeping, and reading. I just finished reading Neon Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway by Cherri Currie and it was amazing. You should definitely read it if you love 70’s rock n roll or just want to read about Cherie’s crazy life experiences with the music, drugs, and abuse. Or you can watch the movie if you’re not a bookworm like me. The movie is based off the book but is mainly just about the band. The Runaways is actually the only movie where I like Kristen Stewart’s acting. 🙂

My Lame Christmas Miracle

5 Dec

It’s pretty cold outside…you know what that means? Winter vacation time that I can spend snuggling up in a bunch of blankets with some hot cocoa while playing my old GameCube. I don’t know about you, but playing Zelda and Super Smash Bros with my brother is on my Christmas to-do-list, along with decorating the tree, making tamales with my mom, and getting sick of hearing Christmas music everywhere. Anyways, I’m not that good at video games, (I especially suck at first-person shooting ones) but I am determined to beat The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. Whenever I get to a certain point of difficulty in a game, I tend to give up due to frustration…but not this time! I will persevere and become victorious! I’m being pretty over-dramatic, but I could really use a Christmas miracle!

Oh hey, look it’s a video!

Christina Rants About Things: Star Wars Obsession

27 Nov

It’s definitely not a secret that I think the original Star Wars films are the best sci-fi movies of all time. You know you’re a fan-girl when you kind of want to yell at someone for saying that Jar Jar Binks was their favorite character or when the most memorable concert you’ve been to was Star Wars: In Concert. Yeah, I’m on a level of nerdship that most people don’t even know exists. That concert was awesome by the way. My brother and I went last summer and had so much fun. We took pictures in the lobby thingy, then took our seats and were amazed by the amazingness. Star Wars Music + Orchestra = nerd-gasm! I saw the frozen Han Solo statue, saw Harrison Ford’s beautiful frozen face, and realized I was destined to get a picture with it. Which reminds me, I still haven’t gotten it framed. Just kidding, that would be weird and I’m too cheap to buy a nice frame. I feel really weird about posting a picture of myself, partly because I look kind of different now and and because I’m a shy chick. Anyways, I’m sure there are bigger Star Wars fans out there that I just haven’t met, but I would definitely like to. So if you love Star Wars, there is a 90% chance that I’ll think you’re awesome.

P.S.  Funny Star Wars gifs and pictures always make me smile 😀

Nerdy Stuff I Wish I Had: Clothes/Accesories

23 Nov

The Hunger Games Trailer!

16 Nov

A couple days ago this trailer was released and I had a fan-girl panic attack. It only shows footage from the first half of the movie but it already looks amazing. I love this book series and can’t wait for the movie to come out in March!

The 2% of Occupy the Refrigerator

16 Nov

Super Fracking Excited

12 Nov

Yesterday I was excited for a minute because it was 11/11/11 11:11, then I realized that it was sort of anti-climactic. It seems like more people where excited for 11/11/11 than Veteran’s Day, without even realizing that their wish at 11:11 doesn’t really come true. For the hell of it, I wished for a Millennium Falcon bass guitar. But then I got super fracking excited when it was announced that Black Sabbath is going to release a new album and then go on tour in 2012. Maybe I can go see them instead of inventing a time machine to take me back to the 70’s just so I hear them live.


Most of all I’m excited because I’m going to Costa Rica in June and I still can’t believe it. I’m in love with the environment and can’t wait until I’m actually in a tropical region filled with so much biodiversity and amazing ecosystems. I found a video on the website of the organization that arranged the trip and every time I watch it I get so much more pumped and ready to go. Link Here!

Christina Rants About Things: Movies

11 Nov

I usually hate all chick movies. Some of them are emotional or romantic, and as a girl I’m supposed to love that but I just find most of them boring and predictable. The only exception is (500) Days of Summer, and it’s not just because I have a huge thing for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who by the way is gorgeously talented.

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather watch a comedy or action movie, or at least any movie with a great plot and some good character development. I love most movies that are based off comic books. I will always love sci-fi movies, but scary movies are definitely out of the question. A while ago I watched Insidious …and it was terrible. I had fun because I watched it with my friends and we got scared whenever something creepy popped out of nowhere, but the whole movie was kinda weird. It reminded me of Final Destination because it was kinda funny when it was trying to be deadly serious. I think the only movies that can be comical and serious at the same time are zombie apocalypse movies. Zombies are either funny or scary or both. Sometimes, I think I can really relate to zombies….except for the whole “rotting flesh and eating humans” thing.


Avengers and Background Music

22 Oct

I haven’t blogged in weeks! It’s like there’s a war in my head between internet use and actual productivity. So what do I feel like ranting about? Oh, the new Avengers trailer came out! I had the hugest nerd-gasm ever. I can’t wait for it to come out in May 2012. I’m loving the cast in this movie, even though they replaced Edward Norton as the Hulk. There’s the always Australian, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and the blue-eyed Chris Evans as Captain America. And who could forget the sexy badass that is Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow.

On a side note, the fair was in town last week and I went with my friend who actually got me to go on some crazy rides. After we ate some yummy fair food, we ran into some of our other friends. We all went on some rides together and shared a funnel cake thing. Now that I look back at it, it kinda seems like one of those cliche-fun-movie-montage-flashback things with background music.  At least that’s how I see it in my head, which probably means I had fun. The background song would probably be something by The Strokes….or maybe not? I’m so indecisive that I can’t pick the song for the movie montage in my head. 🙂

7 Oct

Grrrl Beat

By Sophie Rae

On Saturday, thousands of people stood in solidarity with victims of sexual assault and rape in a SlutWalk march and rally in Union Square (read more about SlutWalk here). It was an incredible rally and I was amazed to see such a large and enthusiastic turnout. Especially given the recent assaults in Brooklyn (scarily close to where I live), it is reassuring to see so many people fighting for this cause and bringing attention to an often minimized and swept-under-the-rug issue. Just to make the day even more amazing, my new band, Claire’s Diary, had the honor of playing its first ever show at the rally!

Here are some photos from SlutWalkNYC! All photos by Isadora Schappell.

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