Tag Archives: (500) Days of Summer

Christina Rants About Things: Movies

11 Nov

I usually hate all chick movies. Some of them are emotional or romantic, and as a girl I’m supposed to love that but I just find most of them boring and predictable. The only exception is (500) Days of Summer, and it’s not just because I have a huge thing for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who by the way is gorgeously talented.

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather watch a comedy or action movie, or at least any movie with a great plot and some good character development. I love most movies that are based off comic books. I will always love sci-fi movies, but scary movies are definitely out of the question. A while ago I watched Insidious …and it was terrible. I had fun because I watched it with my friends and we got scared whenever something creepy popped out of nowhere, but the whole movie was kinda weird. It reminded me of Final Destination because it was kinda funny when it was trying to be deadly serious. I think the only movies that can be comical and serious at the same time are zombie apocalypse movies. Zombies are either funny or scary or both. Sometimes, I think I can really relate to zombies….except for the whole “rotting flesh and eating humans” thing.